Mr. MEAN Loeuy

Mr. Mean Loeuy, 61, was a monk before the Khmer Rouge. He was urged to dis-robe, and forced to marry under the Khmer Rouge. He lost his new wife and many members of his family. He described how monks were described as “leeches” under the Khmer Rouge and shared how two of the kids from his family (aged 3 and 5) had their throats slit. He stated that his marriage was as part of a ceremony for 63 couples, many of whom could not recognize their spouses, as they had never met. He said that the couples spent a couple of nights together before having to resume work. The couples eventually lived separately but were allowed to do monthly visits. He said that he remembers his wife, whom he says he loved and could have been pregnant at the time of her death, by holding an annual Buddhist ceremony for her memory. He said that he only manages to escape the pain and suffering he experienced under the Khmer Rouge regime when he meditates and participates in religious ceremonies. 

  • Witness acronym :
  • Age at the time of testimony :
  • Appeared as :
  • Cases : Case 002/02Case 002
  • Date(s) of testimony :

Transcript from testimony

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