Ms. Meas Layhuor

Ms. Meas Layhour, 57, was assigned to a mobile unit to carry earth at the 1st January Dam Worksite in 1977 and was later sent to work at the 6th January Dam. She explained that the 1st January Dam was a “hot battlefield” because there were very long working hours and they could not rest, and that there was a soil collapse which killed some of the workers. The witness described the living conditions and lack of freedoms at the worksite, including having to relieve themselves in the forest, many flies when they were eating, arranged marriages, unsuitable housing conditions, illnesses such as malaria and dysentery, no proper set up for a medical unit, lack of hygiene, and the supervision mechanisms on the dam worksite. The witness explained that when there were visitors to the 1st January Dam worksite, workers were told to run while carrying earth in order to appear proactive in their work, and if workers did not meet their quota of one cubic meter per day then they would be punished.

  • Witness acronym :
  • Age at the time of testimony :
  • Appeared as :
  • Cases : Case 002Case 002/02
  • Date(s) of testimony :

Transcript from testimony

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