Statement by the National Co-Investigating Judge

Earlier this week the International Co-Investigating Judge announced his resignation. His resignation was very surprising to me. In fact, the work relationship between the International Co- Investigating Judge and myself as National Co-Investigating Judge has so far developed in a smooth and responsible manner based on legal principles and the ECCC Internal Rules, although there have been some allegations through media speculations made by some outsiders of the Court. 

As regularly communicated in the monthly ECCC Court Reports and in the Statements of the Co-Investigating Judges, we have been taking judicial investigation acts in the Cases 003 and 004, particularly performing the witness interviews and conducting some crime-site identifications. Theses judicial investigation acts have been conducted by the Office of the Co-Investigation judges independently without any obstacle. Theses judicial investigation acts are parts of common approach of both judges, that is to focus investigation on the personal jurisdiction, as stated in the joint Press Release dated 08 August 2011 regarding Civil Parties in Case 004 and in the ECCC monthly Court Report of September 2011. 

Although speculations have been made in various media reports with regard to the procedural measures and decisions of the Co-Investigating Judges, the National Co-Investigating Judge still affirms that he will continue to fulfill the works of the Office of the Co-Investigating Judges independently and in compliance with the principles stipulated in the Law and the ECCC Internal Rules, and he is resolved to resist any attempt to interfere into his works from any source. 

Phnom Penh, October 12th, 2011

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