The Court Report November 2012

Posted Wed, 11/21/2012 - 16:07 / Updated Fri, 04/19/2013 - 11:31
Text DocumentNovember 2012 Court Report.pdf
3.61 MB

The November Court Report features the swearing-in of new Co-Investigating Judge Mark Harmon and the appointment of Mr. Göran Sluiter to defend a Case 004 suspect. Visits from Swedish Development Aid officials, the U.S. Holocaust Museum, and a German delegation, which announced a new pledge of US $1.2 million to the ECCC are also detailed in the report. Our partner outreach section outlines a conference organized by the Cambodian Defender’s Project, with support from the Victim Support Section of the ECCC, to enable discussion on gender-based violence during the Khmer Rouge era.