BAN Seak (BAN Siek), alias HANG Phos

Mr. BAN Seak, aged 61, testified how he was appointed as the Deputy Chief of Public Works after the purges of the North Zone cadres occurred. During his time as Deputy Secretary, So Soeun, wife of Ke Pauk, was appointed District Chief of the Chamkar Leu District. Being tasked with supervising the Lvea and Chamkar Andong villages, he was unaware of any Cham people living within the areas because they were forbidden to practice their religion. The witness was not aware about the fate of approximately 1,000 Cham families reported missing from the Chamkar Leu district. Mr. Ban, who lost two of his siblings during this time,  reaffirmed that people were killed regardless of their race or religion. He was told by the district committee members that Nuon Chea acted as one of the key advisors on certain “policies”. Mr. Ban said he had no authority to decide who would be executed; the orders came from the upper levels, and stated that no one was spared from the purges. If you opposed the regime, you were the enemy. He recalled seeing corpses, some in unknown military uniforms, floating down the Mekong near Trea Villiage. Some did not have heads.

  • Alias :
    HANG Phos
  • Witness acronym :
  • Age at the time of testimony :
  • Appeared as :
  • Cases : Case 002Case 002/02
  • Date(s) of testimony :

Transcript from testimony

Video recordings