Mr. CHHUN Phal

Chhun Phal was called as a witness to testify on the functioning of S-21.

Chhun Phal joined the Khmer Rouge movement after 17 April 1975. He was sent to attend a military training in Ta Khmau before being assigned to S-24 at the age of 15 to work in the rice fields and dig canals. Early 1976 to the end of 1978, Chhun Phal was assigned as a guard of building number 2 at S-21. His orders were to guard the prisoners and prohibit them from escaping or committing suicides.

As a witness, Chhun Phal described the detention conditions at the S-21 building he guarded, as well as the working conditions as an S-21 guard. He recalled having seen Vietnamese prisoners of war, female prisoners, and foreign prisoners. He told the Trial Chamber that he did not know the Accused as the Chairman of S-21 and had never seen him there. He recounted being sent to do farming at Choeung Ek and once to dig pits and bury dead bodies.

A lawyer assisted Chhun Phal in case an issue of self-incrimination arose. 

  • Witness acronym :
  • Age at the time of testimony :
  • Appeared as :
  • Cases : Case 001
  • Date(s) of testimony :

Transcript from testimony

Video recordings