Mr. Ly Hor

Ly Hor filed a Civil Party application on the basis of his detention at S-21 and S-24.

Ly Hor joined the Khmer Rouge army as a combatant in August 1972. In 1975 he deserted Regiment 115 and joined the animal husbandry unit of his home village to work as an iron smelter and pottery maker. Ly Hor told the Trial Chamber of his arrest in early 1976 for attempting to steal food because he was hungry. He was first detained and tortured in Office 15 of Section 25. Toward the end of 1976, he was sent to the psychiatric hospital prison in Ta Khmau where he was interrogated and tortured for about one month. He was then sent to what he believes was S-21. He was detained there for more than a month before being transferred to S-24 and assigned to dig canals. Ly Hor recounted how he escaped at night from S-24, swam across the Prekhor River, and walked back to his home district Koh Thom where he remained until the fall of Democratic Kampuchea.

Ly Hor was asked by the Trial Chamber to testify extensively on the detention conditions he experienced and the facilities where he was detained.

  • Witness acronym :
  • Age at the time of testimony :
  • Appeared as :
  • Cases : Case 001
  • Date(s) of testimony :

Transcript from testimony

Video recordings

Session 1 - 06 July 2009 - Case 001 - En/FrDate:
Session 2 - 06 July 2009 - Case 001 - EN/FRDate:
Session 3 - 06 July 2009 - Case 001 - EN/FRDate:
Session 4 - 06 July 2009 - Case 001 - EN/FrDate: