Mr. OR Ho

Mr. Or Ho, 70, joined the communist revolution from 1972 to 1978 and was a village chief from 1975 until July 1978 when he was removed from that position by Angkar. The witness described his time at the 1st January Dam worksite including the lack of hygiene and food, how people in the commune were classified into different categories (full right members, candidate people, and depositary) and work groups, recalled three arranged marriage ceremonies that happened in 1977 and 1978, and stated that there around two thousand workers in the worksite. The witness recalled one accident when the soil at the worksite collapsed on the workers and some of the workers died. He also spoke about a time in which he hid eight families to rescue them when 15 families were asked to relocate to a new village.

  • Witness acronym :
  • Age at the time of testimony :
  • Appeared as :
  • Cases : Case 002Case 002/02
  • Date(s) of testimony :

Transcript from testimony

Video recordings