Mr. Thann Thim


Mr. Thann Thim, 69 or 70, explained that he was evacuated to Takeo Province from a refugee camp in Phnom Penh after the victory of Pol Pot, was evacuated again in 1976 to plough fields, and in 1977 was transferred to work in a unit that transported timber. Mr. Thann described why he was taken to Ang Rokar prison in 1978 and was questioned on his treatment there. The civil party stated that he was tortured during his three months at Ang Rokar, and explained he had been sent there because his daughter was forced to confess he was a former lieutenant in Phnom Penh. Mr. Thann explained that was able to run away from the prison when a fire destroyed the detention center but was kept in the prison for 3 months.


  • Witness acronym :
  • Age at the time of testimony :
  • Appeared as :
  • Cases : Case 002Case 002/02
  • Date(s) of testimony :

Transcript from testimony

Video recordings

Session 3 - 21 April 2015 (EN/FR)Date:
Session 2 - 21 April 2015 (EN/FR)Date:
Session 1 - 21 April 2015 (EN/FR)Date:
Session 3 - 2 April 2015 (EN/FR)Date:
Session 2 - 2 April 2015 (EN/FR)Date: