Mr. Ysa Osman

45 years of age at the time of his testimony, Mr. Ysa Osman appears before the Trial Chamber to provide evidence accrued during his years of research performed for the Documentation Center of Cambodia (DCCAM). The author of two books relating to the period of Democratic Kampuchea, titled Oukoubah, and another titled Cham Rebellion, along with several news and magazine articles, Mr. Ysa Osman offers the court valuable testimony, particularly relating to the experience of the Cham people during the Khmer Rouge regime. A Cham himself, Mr. Ysa Osman tells the court that he lost most of his family during the years 1975-1979. His testimony provides insight into various aspects of Cham culture, including social hierarchy within the Cham communities. Testimony of the expert also recalls alleged policies implemented by the Khmer Rouge that allegedly dictated Cham people to renounce their culture and religion. The expert  said impacts of KR policy during the DK  regime are noted to have been severe, and has affected Cham culture to this day. Furthermore, during testimony the expert reveals the history of the Cham people, including the Champa kingdom, and how this historical relationship figures in the context of Democratic Kampuchea. 

  • Witness acronym :
  • Age at the time of testimony :
  • Appeared as :
  • Cases : Case 002Case 002/02
  • Date(s) of testimony :

Transcript from testimony

Video recordings