OM Yoeurn

The Civil Party lived with her family in the unit 7 at Ta Ong village, Ta Ong Commune in 1975.

After the fall of Phnom Penh she was transferred at district Chamkar Leu District of Kampong Cham province. She was married during the Lon Nol regime and had a child, but her husband was killed after he joined the Revolutionary army. In early 1978, she was married a second time when she arrived in Unit 7. The Civil Party said she was threatened because she already had a child and they told her that if she didn’t get married they would take him away from her. Moreover, the witness explained that she had a cousin who refused to get married and who was killed because of that. Therefore she did not protest There were 13 couples to get married at the same time as her. She described the ceremony: her parents weren’t there because she didn’t have the time to tell them about it, there was no traditional music or dancing or anything else. Her new husband was more than 20 years her senior. She didn’t like him and during their first night together she threw him away. This action led her in front of the chief of the section, Comrade Penh. The Civil Party explained
that during this meeting with Comrade Phan, he raped her because of her disobedience despite the policy of morality.

The witness told the Trial Chamber that after this, she consummated her marriage with her husband
because they were monitored by militiamen. Finally she had a child at the end of 1978. She said the living conditions were difficult, even she was pregnant she had to work hard and she couldn’t rest.

  • Witness acronym :
  • Age at the time of testimony :
  • Appeared as :
  • Cases : Case 002Case 002/02
  • Date(s) of testimony :

Transcript from testimony

Video recordings