Mr. PRAK Khan
Mr. Prak Khan was called as a witness to testify on the functioning of S-21.
Mr. Prak Khan joined the Khmer Rouge in 1972. He worked in a farming unit before being transferred to Division 703. After participating in the capture of Phnom Penh, he was assigned to work in the S-24 rice fields. In late 1975 or early 1976, he was sent to S-21 to work as a guard outside the S-21 compound. In late 1976, Prak Khan was assigned to work as an interrogator in the so-called "chewing" group.
As a witness, Mr. Prak Khan testified on interrogations at S-21. He confirmed that there were three groups of interrogators: the "cold", the "hot", and the "chewing group". They were explicitly instructed by the Accused to torture the detainees without causing their death. Prak Khan also stated that torture could only be inflicted if Duch had ordered it. He described the training he received as an interrogator during the frequent study sessions in the "Duch political school". There the Accused would teach torture techniques and the political line of the Communist Party of Kampuchea. However, Mr. Prak Khan told the Trial Chamber that he "did not take part in torture". He also addressed the practice of drawing blood at S-21, which he claimed to have personally witnessed. He described the Accused as a "studious person, enthusiastic in his work" and always meticulous.
A lawyer assisted Mr. Prak Khan in case an issue of self-incrimination arose. The Judges highlighted several contradictions between previous statements and his testimony.
- Witness acronym :
- Age at the time of testimony :
- Appeared as :
- Cases : Case 001,
- Date(s) of testimony :