SAY Naroeun
Soy Naroeun was born in 1955 in Kampong Cham. She was separated from her family on 17 April 1975.
She worked in a mobile unit with 20-30 other women. She was forced to be married in 1975. She was upset because her parents were not there, but she agreed to give herself to her husband because there were militiamen walking back and forth in front of the shelter they were sleeping in. She became pregnant soon after but was forced to work regardless. She got malaria at six months and the baby died because she had no medicine to cure her malaria. She became pregnant again and this time the child survived. Her sister was also married but not until 1978 when conditions were much worse. 11 of her relatives died.
- Witness acronym :
- Age at the time of testimony :
- Appeared as :
- Cases : Case 002, Case 002/02,
- Date(s) of testimony :