MEU Peou (MOEU Pov)

Mr. Meu Peou is a 55 year- old farmer from Bakan District, Pursat Province and is Cham.  As a Civil Party, he testified during the segment where Civil Parties were called to testify about harm they suffered in relation to the treatment of alleged targeted groups; Cham, Vietnamese and former Lon Nol officials. During his testimony before the Chamber, he reported that he was forced to leave his native village and separate from his family members and relatives once the Khmer Rouge took over control over his area. Mr. Meu stressed how miserable life was under the DK regime, explaining how the Cham were not allowed to practice their religion anymore and were forced to eat pork, which ultimately caused the death of his father, who had adhered to his religion and refused to follow Angkar’s orders. Mr. Meu testified that throughout the DK period, he lost a total of 17 family members and relatives including his father, uncle,and several nieces and nephews. He said he was arrested in 1977 and then detained at Trah Kraol detention facility, where he was forced to watch the brutal killing of a woman, who had to take her clothes off before being cut. 

  • Witness acronym :
  • Age at the time of testimony :
  • Appeared as :
  • Cases : Case 002Case 002/02
  • Date(s) of testimony :

Transcript from testimony

Video recordings