Ms. Nam Mon

Nam Mon filed a Civil Party application on the basis of her detention at S-21 and S-24, as well as on behalf of her parents and her brothers who were detained and executed at S-21.

Nam Mon told the Trial Chamber that both of her parents joined the Khmer Rouge revolution early. She herself joined as a member of the S-21 medical staff at age 15 in mid-1975. After the arrest and execution of two of her uncles, her father, whom she described as Chief of Logistics in Phnom Penh, was arrested in 1977 and executed at S-21. One of her two elder brothers, who were S-21 guards, was ordered to execute him. Shortly after, her mother, her younger brother, and later her two elder brothers, who worked as S-21 guards, were arrested and executed. Nam Mon was herself arrested in early 1978. After three months she was transferred to S-24, where she was assigned to dig pits to bury dead children. She told the Chamber that from there she was sent to another detention facility. As she was taken to be killed, the Vietnamese troops arrived and she was able to escape and survive. Nam Mon was asked by the Trial Chamber to describe the detention facilities, the detention conditions both at S-21 and S-24, as well as to recount her work as a medic at S-21.

Her Civil Party lawyer had informed the Trial Chamber that her testimony represented the first time that she had revealed parts of her experience under the Khmer Rouge, even to her family.

  • Witness acronym :
  • Age at the time of testimony :
  • Appeared as :
  • Cases : Case 001
  • Date(s) of testimony :

Transcript from testimony

Video recordings

Session 4 - 09 July 2009 - Case 001 - EN/FRDate:
Session 3 - 09 July 2009 - Case 001 - EN/FRDate:
Session 2 - 09 July 2009 - Case 001 - EN/FRDate:
Session 1 - 13 July 2009 - Case 001 - En/FrDate:
Session 3 - 13 July 2009 - Case 001 - En/FrDate: