The Defence Support Section (DSS) of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) has assigned Mr. Ang Udom as the Cambodian Co-Lawyer, and Mr. Michael G. Karnavas as the Foreign Co-Lawyer, to represent a Suspect named in the Second Introductory Submission submitted by the International Co-Prosecutor to the Office of the Co-Investigating Judges on 20 November 2008. The Second Introductory Submission is part of the Case File in Case 003.
The identity of any Suspect named in the Second Introductory Submission remains confidential.
Mr. Ang Udom and Mr. Michael G. Karnavas are experienced criminal defence lawyers currently practicing before the ECCC, where they represent Mr. Ieng Sary, an accused in Case 002.
This is the first time in the history of the ECCC that the DSS has assigned any lawyer to represent multiple suspects or accused persons simultaneously. In making the assignment, the DSS took into consideration the Suspect's expressed preferences; the lawyers’ overall experience in international criminal and humanitarian law; their level of familiarity with the prevailing rules, practices and procedures at the ECCC; their knowledge of the historical and political context of the Democratic Kampuchea era; and all the applicable conflict waivers. The Suspect has claimed indigence.