On 14 December 2015, the International Co-Investigating Judge charged Mr Meas Muth with the following alleged crimes:
− Genocide;
− Crimes against Humanity, namely murder; extermination; enslavement; imprisonment; torture; persecution; other inhumane acts (inhumane treatment, enforced disappearances, forced labour, forced marriage, rape and attacks on human dignity due to conditions of detention);
− Grave Breaches of the Geneva Conventions of 1949, namely wilful killing; wilfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health, torture and unlawful confinement of civilians.
− Violations of the 1956 Cambodian Penal Code, namely premeditated homicide.
These crimes were allegedly variously committed
• at various security centres, among them the S-21 Security Centre (Tuol Sleng),
• additionally against members of Divisions 164, 502, 117, and 310,
• at Wat Enta Nhien Security Centre,
• at Stung Hav worksite,
• by the Navy of Democratic Kampuchea in and around the islands claimed by Democratic Kampuchea,
• at the Ream area co-operative including worksites at Kang Keng and Bet Trang, the Durian Plantation Execution Site, and the Toek Sap Security Centre, and
• in Kampong Som.
A number of charges from the Decision of 3 March 2015 charging him in absentia were rescinded. That decision has now become moot, as is the arrest warrant of 10 December 2014. The arrest warrant of 4 June 2015 was rescinded, since Mr Meas Muth appeared voluntarily at the hearing.