Mr. Mam Soeurm (HENG Samouth)

MAM Soeurm, 59, was born in Phnom Penh Province. He gave testimony about his experience while working at the Trapeang Thma Dam Worksite in 1977. He worked there as a member of a mobile unit in sector 5. During this time, he stated that workers were under constant surveillance. He said that he was told of arrests that took place within his unit, apparently without any reason. The witness also gave testimony about the working conditions at the dam, as well as the daily quotas of soil that workers were supposed to reach and the visits of foreign delegations of observers to the worksite. Moreover, he told the Tribunal about food rations and hygienic conditions at the Worksite, which were insufficient. Additionally, he stressed the fact of lack of medical treatment at the dam. Finally, he spoke about a special working unit, where workers that didn’t reach the daily quota were reassigned to. In this unit, the witness explained that the working conditions were even harder than in the regular ones. 

  • Witness acronym :
  • Age at the time of testimony :
  • Appeared as :
  • Cases : Case 002Case 002/02
  • Date(s) of testimony :

Transcript from testimony

Video recordings