PAN Chhuong

The Witness was Deputy chief of the Sector5 mobile brigade under Haun alias Ta Val since January 1976; he was assigned to the Trapeang Thma Dam Worksite after building the Kambao-Sreh Dam and Kok Rumchek Dam. He mentions the visits of KHIEU Samphan alias Haem at the Kok Romchek worksite and the fact that he saw the real work conditions and laborers, including "skinny" people. He describes the authority structure at the Trapeang Thma dam construction site, the administrative structure at the Northwest Zone, Sector 5 and Preah Net Preah District and the organization of sector mobile brigades.

  • Witness acronym :
  • Age at the time of testimony :
  • Appeared as :
  • Cases : Case 002Case 002/02
  • Date(s) of testimony :

Transcript from testimony

Video recordings