Khmer Rouge Survivors Have Benefited from the ECCC’s Non-Judicial Measures Scheme

The second phase of the project entitled “Promoting Gender Equality and Improving Access of Justice for Female and Gender-based Violence (GBV) Survivors of the Khmer Rouge Regime”, which started in January 2016, has recently come to an end.

During three years and four months, the project was carried out based on four main areas including access to justice and victims’ participation, psychological interventions, awareness raising, and capacity building on gender. The projecthelped 2,200 female Civil Parties and other GBV survivors to participate in the ECCC’s judicial proceedings, provided psychological treatments to around 300 GBV survivors, conducted outreach and educational activities to thousands of people, especially from younger generations, and provided training on gender sensitivity to hundreds of lawyers, legal officers, and NGO staff. For further information, please find the attached final evaluation report.

The project was implemented under the ECCC’s scheme of non-judicial measures by the Victims Support Section (VSS) in cooperation with Transcultural Psychosocial Organization (TPO). It was financially supported by UN Trust Fund to End Violence of Women (UNTF).

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