Statement of the National Co-Investigating Judge

On January 09, 2012 which is a national holiday of the national side of the ECCC, the Reserve International Co-Investigating Judge Laurent Kasper Ansermet issued a Press Statement, which reflects an intention to conceal it from the knowledge of all national sides.

To avoid any misunderstanding of national and international public opinions in relation to the Press Statement of the Reserve International Co-Investigating Judge issued today, the National Co-Investigating Judge would like to emphasize that, as previously stated in his Press Statement dated 6th December 2011, the Reserve International Co-Investigating Judge does not have legal accreditation to undertake any procedural action or measure
with respect to the Case Files, including issuing public information regarding the CaseFiles as stipulated in Rule 56 of the ECCC’s Internal Rules. Based on the above reason, the National Co-Investigating Judge cannot discuss with the Reserve International Co-Investigating Judge the issuance of public information provided in Rule 56 of the ECCC Internal Rules as this requires agreement of both national and international judges who are legally accredited.

Taking this opportunity, the National Co-Investigating Judge would like to express his deep disappointment with the working manners of the Reserve International Co- Investigating Judge who lacks mutual understanding and consideration of the legal principles and common practices applied so far within the Office of the Co-Investigating Judge, but who acts as an Outreach Officer rather than a Judicial one.

(Unofficial translation)

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