ECCC publishes a set of Defence requests relating to the issue of potential conflicts of interest of members of the OCIJ staff, all of which were rejected by the Co-Investigating Judges.

Further to their decision dated 3 March 2009 relating to the publication of an increased number of documents from the judicial investigation, by virtue of Rule 56(2) of the ECCC Internal Rules, the Co-Investigating Judges have decided to make public a set of Defence requests relating to the issue of potential conflicts of interest of members of the OCIJ staff, all of which were rejected by the Co-Investigating Judges.

These documents may be accessed by clicking on:, then typing into the "Search doc no. :" field, the Case File references: "A121", "A162" and "A252".

This publication will be followed by others at regular intervals. The Co-Investigating Judges also recall that the Court Report, published on the ECCC website, contains a monthly update of current activity in the judicial investigation: