Statement from the Co-Investigating Judges regarding Case Files 003 and 004

In accordance with Rule 56 (2) of the Internal Rules of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of
Cambodia (ECCC), the Co-Investigating Judges wish to make an update to the public on the ongoing
work on Case Files 003 and 004.

In the spirit of cooperation envisaged in the ECCC Law and Internal Rules, the Co-Investigating
Judges have established joint working groups. The work at present is focused on examining and
analyzing the documents available on the Case Files, particularly the existing documents in the
previous Cases Files 001 and 002. Therefore, at this stage, no field investigation is being conducted.

The Co-Investigating Judges hope that this communication could avoid any misunderstanding and
misinterpretation of the current works of the OCIJ that would remain confidential.